Saturday, August 12, 2006

Nose Picking

Searching goggle for your last name is the electronic or blogging equivalent of a good self-serving nose pick. Here is what I found. There is lots more of me than I previously suspected. High percentages are found in NY state and Minnesota. That may explain my lust for Nordic skiing and such. Not so much CROW in the bible belt. Surprisingly, there are 11-31 crow's nests in Washington State.

So, now I'm wondering about my friends noses: CRAIGERIFIC posts a high percentage of kin in the PA area. Makes sense. PRUDOG sprouts from the south and mostly Texas. Is that right?

Exhausted with my nose and the noses of my friends, I decided to check out the nose of a politic type: BUSH. TX, NY, PA, These states are responsible for the spawn of BUSH. Checked out the name boner just for fun. Strangely enough there is an eerie, half erect phallys formed by the states IL, IN, OH, with the tip being NY.

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