Thursday, August 24, 2006

IT"S ABOUT F@*%^&#$ TIME!!!

The FDA finally released the Plan B pill for over the counter 18 year-old women. It's a mixed blessing, because now, some Target pharmacist can't impose his or her "morality" on your sexual/reproductive health, provided that you are 18 or older. If you are not, ya still gotta get a note. Of course, you and I both know that nobody has sex prior to 18...right?

Enter managed care, which, is an entire other rant. Surfice to say, that the plan-b pill is most effective with in 72 hours of action. So, keep your doctor's office on speed-dial, and maintain a good relationship with the office staff so that they will process your request quickly!

Special thanks to senators Patty Murry and Hillary Rodham Clinton for holding yet another administration lapdog to the fire. If you are so moved, please use the links to their respective websites and send them a quick note.

For the sake of clarity, the fact that this administration wants to control the sale of an over the counter birth control at any level, is just one more example of its desire to restrict your freedom and impose a conservative, right-wing, religious moral code on to your life.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's great that there will still be 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 year olds having to jump though hoops and in the end possibly not be able to get a pill in time and end up having to give birth by default. Not to mention, if you don't have a license or a car and live in the boonies, how are you going to get to your doctor, which at that age is most likely your family's doctor, enter the fear of having your parents find out, enter just crossing your fingers and hoping you're not knocked up instead of actually doing anything. Yes, the choice to actually have sex does come into play, but how many people made wise decisions as teenagers? Sex happens, whether or not kids have access to condoms or birth control or decent non-abstinance based sex education, it's going to happen so how about focusing on how to keep the bad, life-ruining side effects in check, like pregnancy and STDs?

Let's also think about the logic behind considering 18 the starting point of adulthood - prior to that you're in school, and your mind and body are still developing. So let's railroad teenagers into having to be parents before they can vote! Great idea! That makes for a great life for everyone, parents and kids alike - parents who, if they stay together or not, will probably end up with minimum wage jobs for the majority of their lifetimes, struggling financially, and never be able to afford better for their children that they had at the age of 15! I know people who that's happened to, and it's no fairy tale.

CROW said...


Anonymous said...

You guys are a breath of fresh air! I have had the toughest day at work & hadn't thought about this since I heard it on the radio this morning.

I got pregnant & had a baby when I was 16. My mom was very supportive of my choice to have the baby & helped me get prenatal care and adequate nutrition, which is pretty much a miracle because my mother is mentally ill. Now that I think back on those times though, I wonder if I would have even thought about using birth control at all? I certainly didn't know I was pregnant until I missed several periods. Granted we're talking about 20 years ago & I'm hoping that sex education in schools has gotten better, but has it? I certainly felt like I went from not knowing what sex was to having a child in the period of just a few years.

CROW said...

Wow, truth in those words. Thanks, for the honest grit.

What is at stake here, folks, is choice. Not necessarily as in pro, but choice as in freedom to make decisions for yourself. Education helps us make more informed choices, and hopefully better ones, but we are still free to make bad decisions so long as we are responsible about the outcomes.

Calling all men out there who may be on the fence about plan-b pill, you should really get behind it, and the woman who is willing to use it. If you like the possibility of the one night stand, and you're the type of dude who leaves birth-control up to your partner, (judging by the number of single mothers out there many of you do both) plan-b gives you and her this choice.

So what it that needs gettin’ behind? Here it is: OVER THE COUNTER WITHOUT AGE RESTRICTIONS. With the otc option and without age restrictions doesn’t mean a sexual-free-all, as some would have you believe. It means, more choice and less Target branded pill pusher going all moral on your freedom lovin’ self for making smart, informed decisions about your sexual health.