Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bike for Peace Plug

For those interested, check out the side bar of links on this blog site. There you'll find several cool links. However, I'd like to take this opportunity to guide you to the Bike for Peace link.

Just a bit about these Hippies. I say hippies because in this modern world they have managed cast aside the normal grind of making a living to march...er ride across America in the name of Peace. Additionaly, you can imagine the hippy like smell after riding many miles a day in the hot, hot sun across the American breadbasket. Sounds Hippy cool to me.

Anyhow, Ron the leader of the group and the idea man of bike for peace is endeavoring to complete his second trans-American bicycle trek for the same reason. This morning they wheeled off to Seattle and then on to more eastern locals in the following days. But enough of me prattling on about their adventure. Bike for Peace has their own website and blog where you can read all about it.

Cheers and good luck!!

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