Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Truth

The truth is that your vote is important. Blahh Blahh Blahh...I know, it's nothing that MTV hasn't spewed out in their rock the vote campaigns. However, let me point out one glaring truth: Republican control of all branches of government. Which means a rubber stamping Congress, which is un-willing to check the power of the Executive office, and a stacked Supreme Court that views, favorably, the policies of the Executive. In other words, the Executive has more power to exert influence directly on you now than at any time in the history of the United States.
What is the importance of this looming election? If people vote their dissatisfaction with the current administration by voting out Republican seats in the senate and house, then the Democrats can regain control of the legislature and start holding the administration responsible for a laundry list of grievances. Do you need a reminder?

1) 300 billionish dollar blunder in Iraq.
2) Suspension of Habeas Corpus in the name of national security.
3) Spying on American Citizens.
4) Complete failure to follow up on election promises of helping the disadvantaged through "faith based initiatives."
5) Stalling approval for completely safe medications, and various birth controls for religious/political agendas.
6) Rampant cronyism (think Katrina and the appointment of Brownie.)
7) Jack Abramoff, need I say more?
8) Torture, Secret CIA Prisons, and wholesale suspension of basic human rights at home and abroad.
9) Shameless corporate influence and profiteering at the highest levels of the administration. Think Dick Cheney's energy policy, or the companies were awarded lucrative contracts in Iraq.
10) Lying about WMD and the real reasons for warning in the Middle East. What is the real reason?
Perhaps this list isn’t Letterman Quality but you get the picture. Don’t you?

The current administration loves to hold poor welfare receiving people responsible for the meager Welfare to Work dollars they earn. Your vote will help to hold the administration responsible for the lives, values, freedoms and money they have spent.


Anonymous said...

if you want to learn more about how important your vote is? read the newest issue of rolling stone. thee is an article tittled " the worst congress ever".
we need change in this country. we need it badly. it will take a long time to recover from this corupt den of theives and perverts, so the sooner we start the better.
as much i do not care for the democrats either, we need to change things in a hurry and this election is a place to start.

Anonymous said...

What goes up must come down!!!