Tuesday, October 17, 2006


"Capitalism is the fruit of labor." "Without labor there would be no capital." Abraham Lincoln.

Without life there would be no labor. Labor is the exchange of your time or life for some form of compensation. The question is, What are you worth?


Double C said...

You are always thinking about this stuff-get away from the union & my crow looks like a crow!


CROW said...

The fact of the matter is that companies would pay 5 cents an hour if it were not legally prohibited. Companies don't value life, they value money. My guess, eXtra eXtra Compensation (XXC), is that your are not willing to work for that low of a wage. I suppose this because I know you value life, particularly your own, and would not be willing to trade a major portion of it for shitty compensation. Not so strangely, most privileged white people aren't willing to make that sort of choice either. It should also come as no surprise that there are folks out there who are willing to literally trade their life schlepping amazing amounts of crap for pocket change. Why? Because geographically, even the pittance they earn here in the States is a windfall back home where people fight for water and basic sanitary needs. Life is cheap back in the places of the world that crank out most of our consumer goods. When factory worker X's arm is torn off at the end of a grueling 20 hour day, by a machine without safety features (because they impact productivity,) there are plenty of others who are willing to wipe the blood up and go to work in X's place. Why? Because people need to eat, and the industry that literally holds these people hostage in poverty knows that people will endure all manner of horrible and in-human conditions rather than starve. Companies exploit their workers because they can.

Double C said...

WE need to go have a glass of wine & discuss this further. I did not come here to debate-I am not going to debate you Jerry!
