Wednesday, September 06, 2006

the little guy

Earlier this evening...oops yesterday, the Crow was just finishing up some errands on the brown Schwinn towny . Of course, Crow was wearing a helmet for those out there who have enquiring minds. To avoid the merciless traffic of Broadway, Crow slides effortlessly through back alleys. On this evening, the Crow happened upon a vagrant denizen in the act of defacing the back wall of Henrys 24 hour doughnut shop with some sort of drunken mindless manifesto. Crow couldn’t believe it so he rode by reeaal slow. Sure enough, graffiti in the act.
Well, Crow rode around the block and back to Henry's where Crow found that Henry was actually an older, really nice asian woman who didn’t speak english so well. After trying unsuccessfully to explain that a camouflage clad ner-do-well was in the process grafting on her back wall, Crow called 911 on his trusty mobile phone. And what do you know? The man descended on that very spot with in two minutes. Imagine that.


Anonymous said...

You're a hero! Did you get some free doughnuts out of it?

P-Dog said...

get you dirty stinking paws off me. your thumb of oppresion is breaking my back.