Friday, March 09, 2007


I happened to be scanning the news today. Here are the highlights and my sardonic comments:

The rich stay rich, and acquire more riches at a younger age. The top two mega-billionaires of the Forbes list…Gates and Buffet. So what?

Airbus forces European conglomerate EADS to slash profits 86%. I guess that’s a group of aristocrats that won’t be getting richer or younger. I sense some real production of gray hair. Of course, it’s the European working stiff that really took it in the shorts. Something like 10,000 jobs have been cut at Airbus.

More blather on the whole HPV vaccine debate. It really comes down to this. Boys are circumcised for health reasons all over the world. The procedure is generally completed within several weeks of birth to prevent infection and other penile peril later in life. While circumcision is widely excepted for it’s protective measures later in life, it’s blatantly unfair that a vaccine that has proven to be nearly 100% effective against HPV and subsequent cervical cancer in clinical trials would be resisted on the basis that the target population (young girls) may perceive a message from society or parents of sexual permissiveness. Is the Christian right really saying boys, we believe that snipping you is good for your reproductive health later in life but girls we aren’t going to vaccinate you against the most common sexually transmitted infection because we fear what message it sends to you?

I’m heading in to the weekend. The cherry trees are starting to bloom. Let’s hope there in no more snow down in the lowlands.

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