Friday, March 09, 2007

Mail Bag

Dear Crow, I ride an adult tricycle. I don’t feel comfortable writing into all those cyclo-clique blogs. However, I feel as though I have some of the same issues. Sincerely, “TriC-onfused”

Dear T-C. While I’ll never understand the need for three wheels when clearly two will do, I do have some experience with tricycles in the form of those plastic big wheels. As a child, I believe I destroyed a few of my own and likely my neighbors doing awesome skids and jumps on my family’s dirt driveway. Anyhow, do not concern yourself with second rate cycling blogs or the minutia perpetuated by them. I suggest spending the time you would have spend on two-wheel blogs shopping at your local thrift store for some keen pedal pushing pants to go with your third wheel. – CROW

Dear Crow, I’m young and I fear that I’ll develop cervical cancer. I hear it is real common after an HPV infection and that lots of women and men get this HPV. Sincerely, Fear

Dear Fear, cervical cancer, as with all cancers, is a scary thing. However, Fear, there is hope which may alleviate your fear while frustrating you at the same time. The stats are something like 90 percent of women will have been exposed to HPV by the time they are 30 making it the most common sexually transmitted infection in men and women in the United States and, up to 70 percent of all cervical cancer is directly related to HPV infections. The bright spot in all of this is that now there is a vaccine, which has proven to be highly effective against HPV (nearly 100% effective in clinical trials.) However, enter frustration, abstainers and the Christian-right don’t want to vaccinate young girls because they fear that cervical cancer has been the one barrier that has kept hoards of little girls from being sexually promiscuous. CF, I hope you haven’t had sex yet, because it might be a while before you can get this vaccine in you, and it’s only effective prior to exposure. PS, go see you doctor.–CROW

Crow, what do you think of low riding pants? - Pants down low.

Dear PDL, I’m Kinda up in the air on this issue and likely sexist at the same time. I’m not into (and don’t wear) pant that expose my ars. However, on the right woman a pair of well-suited, low-rise jeans is really nice. Think Lost’s Evangeline Lilly. –CROW

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