Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bong Hits for Jesus - Bong Hits for Justice

Remember Kenneth Star of Clinton and Moinca Lewinski fame? Ever wonder what he is doing now? Check this out!

After reading this article, it appears that the Bush loaded supremes are indeed right. That is, right (of center) favoring limitations free speech. So remember, next time you are protesting, don't write anything on your banner that is con traversal!

Confidential to Johan Museeuw: Your interview in the April, 2007, issue of Cycle Spot reveals what a tool your are!


Anonymous said...

its is noy about being contraversal...it is more about condoning or promoting illegal activity.....eg "date rape is fun, all the cool kids do it" outside a high school prom.....?

CROW said...

gring or whomever you are,

You missed the entire point which, by the way, is FREE SPEECH. It's not about being controversial or the school condoning illegal activity. The last time I checked speech was a legal activity. Joseph Frederick’s activity, holding up a sign on non-school ground during a time when school had been released, is with in the first amendment right of all American citizens. My guess, gring, is that if the sign had said, "Jesus loves you," the principal would not have torn it down and suspended Fredrick, and you wouldn't be commenting on this blog about some sort of protectionist, right-wing, it's-promoting-illegal-activity-crap.

Anonymous said...

you are mean spirited and presuptious...you dont know how he would have reacted to another sign.Also you dick i did not miss the point you missed mine.... their are boundries within free speach and if you want me to condisend you about what these are let me know...yelling fire in a theatre is a classic...and why do you have to turn everything inti a right / left thing

CROW said...

gring, I know this is an easy target, but for the love of Christ, learn to make more sense when you are exercising your free speech. Also, the principal is a woman, you dufus. But maybe you are right (of center too), and I don't know how she would have reacted. However, I do know that Frederick's banner wasn't illegal. He wasn't arrested. If he'd had the same banner on his lawn there would have been no issue with the principal at all. And really, gring, this is not anything like yelling fire in a theater, as there was no threat to public safety. I'm sure you can see the difference.

Anonymous said...

you must be a small angry man, no wonder noone ever wants to comment to you. do you always have to belittle and insult people? i am going to put myself on a self impossed restraining order from your blog (10 feet)

CROW said...

gring now known as goldringer...don't mistake passion for anger. My passion is founded in the basic principle of more freedom is better. As far as me being mean-spirited, I take offence. It is you that volleyed first with calling me a dick. Regarding me being presumptuous, yes, I presumed that if the banner had said something different, "like Jesus loves you," the principal wouldn't have stormed across the street to non-school property to tear down the banner. I stand by that presumption. I can not, however, prove it. Now, the question of this whole right-wing crap... It seems to be very inflammatory. I'll have to remember that. Any other questions or comments?

Anonymous said...

i know i mentioned the 10 foot thing but, holy crap I think you have too much free time...and i too stand by my you're mean thing, dont mistake passion for being mean...and i will split the muscle the next time i see you!!!!because i am not mean i am prone to violence