Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Still counting away at the cash spent in Iraq. Whoholamama that’s a lot of cash! Why are we, as a country, spending so much money in little ol’ Iraq? Oh yeah, the war. That’s right folks, we are at war. You know war; it’s where we send our people to other countries to kill other people and be killed by the people we sent our people to kill. You know, war! War is a bunch of killing, shooting to kill, killing to prevent more killing and killing to prevent the fear of killing in the name of terror. I think, though, there has not been enough killing to awaken the consciousness of America. Perhaps the good citizens of America whom only endure a yearly excess of 20,000 firearm related deaths, (according the CDC,) need to experience more killing in the name of war to get the picture. Perhaps more killing is necessary for citizens to realize that war is brutal, fucked up, tortured POWs, child killing, wholesale human slaughter, and that just staying the course might not be such a great idea. Perhaps more photographs of the killing zone or army hospital operating rooms piled high with amputated legs, arms and ruined lives need to flood our sanitized media. Perhaps all the cheap crap imported from China should be rationed so we can actually feel the killing we are paying so much money for. Perhaps voters won’t be mislead by all manner of distraction in the few days prior to NOVEMBER 7th. I know John Kerry likes to stick his foot in his mouth, but don’t forget, no matter how the GOP spins his dufusoidal jokes, war still grinds on. WAR WAR WAR! Four years of war and killing folks! Perhaps, the entirety of the Christian right and all the social conservatives hell bent on abolishing choice and preventing gays from marriage will realize that the side show in which they so fervently believe is just a spectacle distracting the masses from the real, grim reality of death by war. Remember, it’s the war with all that killing that’s costin’ 330 billion and counting.


Anonymous said...

Dummy- War = monies, that is the only reason you, "we" have it so good! Open your damn eyes!!!

CROW said...

Dummy, Hmm. Yeah war does equal money. You claim, "we" have it so good, and that is the point. When in the last four years have you ever felt that were we are at war? Have you felt even the slightest pinch? I know gas prices are high, but even a dummy like me can figure out that energy flows from the middle east haven’t really been effected as a result of our operations in Iraq. The last several price hikes have been linked to natural disasters here at home. Money. Correct. It's all about money. There is a nice little counter on this blog, anonymous, that shows the sheer volume of money being spent. Where is it going? I'll tell you one thing, it's not going to help faith-based initiatives off the ground. It's not going to our crumbling transportation structure. Its not going to lots shit here at home that could make America more competitive in the world community. Perhaps it’s going to a select few American corporations selected for the re-constriction of Iraq. Here’s a question for you, anonymous, why if corporations are so damn efficient compared to government, does it cost so much and take so long to get the very basic of utilities flowing in Iraq?