Monday, November 06, 2006

Let it rain

Hello all you I-933 supporters out there. Ah, the end of those pesky government takings is almost upon us. For those speculative folks out there, I’ve taken the liberty of snapping this photo of some land currently under water, due to flooding, which will be prime land for development when the flood waters recede. It’s flat, in the flood plain, and close to a major road. Plus, who doesn’t want riverfront views? Of course, the mean ol’ government now has regulations that prevent development of this outstanding lot nestled smack dab in the middle of the Snohomish River riparian area. With the potential passage of I-933, you could sue the government because they won’t let you build a gas station here. Think of all the money you’ll lose if your were to be prevented from burying several 50,000 gallon underground fuel storage tanks on this lot. Don’t worry; meteorologists say that this type of storm and record flooding will only occur once a decade. Of course, if heavy rains and flood waters diluting your fuel supply get you down, you could just take the easy way out, keep it natural, and accept a fat pay-off from the tax payers of Washington State. Remember; with I-933 when your real-estate investment tanks because of oppressive, intrusive and completely-out-of-line regulation, like no building in a flood plain, then you are entitled to compensation. Enjoy! PS, this photo was taken at noon. High tide will be at 8pm tonight. Count on another 1-3 feet of water rise. Hmm, that would be where I was standing … on top of the dike.

1 comment:

CROW said...

Update - flood stage achieved, more expected