Friday, July 27, 2007

Former Qwest Communications chief executive Joe Nacchio was sentenced to six years in prison Friday for making $52 million in illegal stock sales while a multibillion-dollar accounting scandal brought the telecommunications company to the brink of bankruptcy -AP

Good job Joe. Thanks for doing such a good job at showing folks how efficient, effective and competitive private cooperate America is.
I’ll just add you to the list of other fine examples of corporate accountability.
Remember the various multi billion dollar scandals at Enron Corp., WorldCom, Adelphia, Global Crossing and Xerox. Check out the list published in thisForbes article.

Various sources report that a Bush created Corporate Fraud Task Force is responsible for 1.236 corporate fraud convictions in the past five years.
For comparisons sake, I suspect 1,236 convictions is a small number compared to normal street crime convictions for the same time period. But, I’m sure there are the volume of money involve in the corporate level convictions is not petty by comparison.


P-Dog said...

update your blog you lazy son of a bitch.

Anonymous said...

thats hilarious or is it hylarious or highlarryis anyway p-dog got you good geo!!!