Ok, so I’ve been gone from the blogesphere for a while. I could make up a bunch of excuses but really, do you care?
Anyhow, in my absence from blogging I’d like to note that gas prices have gone back up. Hmmmm. I told you so. It’s a supply thing they say. Every year it’s a supply thing. Sometimes the supply thing is blamed on a storm thing or a war thing or even a terrorist thing. Every year prices creep up, and every year some sort of supply thing occurs. Now, Prudog as the economic genius that he is, could likely shed some light on the issue. In his absence however, it seems to me that if every year you know as a big company that you’re bound to have a supply thing then perhaps the supply could be addressed before it could become a thing.
On a similar note, its seems weird that gas prices dipped prior to the election and went right back up after the election. Maybe everybody was so riveted to the television for the latest political scandal that they just didn’t drive as much? Hmmm. Whatever. I ride a bicycle to work everyday. Bring on 4-bucks a gallon!
In other notes of interest, there is yet another report out that states, basically, America is paying a high price financially and socially for a failed war. Dave Ross of KIRO radio wonders why we didn’t learn from Vietnam? I wonder why we didn’t learn from the first election. But that is water under the bridge, ‘cause this most recent election certainly was a learning experience for Republicans and conservatives alike.